

SWOLLEN knee?My knee is scaring me it has been swollen for a few days, but its gets more swollen after stepping down stairs, and INCREDIBLY swollen when it hits water shower, swimming and bath. What could it be.
I'm 22 5'6 180lbs, i didn't injur it i just noticed that it hurts goin up and down stairs on just the one knee and whenever it get in water it blows up.

- leah1597
Did you hit it? If not than I have NO idea. Sorry, i'm only 11.

- js
Well, you have not described your age in the query, you should when you ask something regarding health because pains differ as per the age. BTW what you say seems to have caused by some injury, sprain, or strain. you can apply any pain relief balm, massage it with the balm or try Narayan Taila, the pain releifing ayurvedic oil and then let a half of bucket hot water (not Very Hot ok) flow over your knee. if you are above 50yrs then do not use water, just apply the balm and do try some anti-inflammatory medicine too that may help you for sure. Also avoid swimming and bathing with cold water for a week. Goodluck!

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