Torn Knee Ligaments?Is it possible to have 3 ligaments torn in your knee not all the way torn but like partially torn
and how would that affect the person
lets say the ACL is torn the medial collateral ligament is torn and the lateral collateral ligament is torn
keep in mind they are partially torn not all the way
- Hamratson
Yes it is possible, depending on the nature of the injury. The amount of damage to a ligament, fairly obviously depends on the amount of force it is subjected to. A force insufficient to break the ligament will still cause much damage to the colagen fibres. Anterior cruciate, medial and lateral colateral partial tears however, would be a very unusual shearing type injury. More common is the "unhappy triad " of medial colateral, a cruciate ligament (usually anterior) and the medial meniscus in football injuries.
The knee should be treated as if the ligaments had been severed as there is a risk this could still happen if enough force is applied again. keep it mobile but as pain free as possible, anti-inflammatories/cold pack treatment. Treatment to the surrounding muscles to keep it stable
Hope this helps good luck
- Slinky
Hamratos description of the damage is excellent, the treatment recommended is totally lame. He/she/it missed the most important part, that injury will continuously generate pain signals forever because it will never heal, unless those torn fibers are lined up exactly.
Orignal From: Torn Knee Ligaments?
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