What do i do about my knee pain from running?Every time I run, I get a severely sharp pain on my knee. It's not on my knee cap, but just outside it. I love to run. I play tennis, and I'm a runner. I've learned to deal with the pain, but it is becoming unbearable. When I'm running, I have to stop because I can't deal with the pain. I am running a 5K this summer, I need to train, but I'm afraid I might not be able to! What should I do!!
- T L
you need to go see a doctor, some physical therapy might fix it, but it might be something more serious.
- Emily
go to the doctor to get it checked out, but while you're waiting to go to the doctor, put some icy-hot or something like that on it, maybe that will help.
- Steven
Severe pain is your body telling you that something is wrong. Eat a healthy diet, with lots of calcium. Avoid unnecessary knee movements. That means no running and no sports. Sorry, but it's the truth. Give your body couple weeks to heal. If your knee still hurts, see a doctor. It could be something serious.
If you force yourself to run, you might turn a temporary problem into a permanent one.
- TheGuyUKnow
Take Ipropheun 1,every 4 hours until you can see a doctor
Also ice it!! Alot before and after runs,when your on the couch watching tv,etc.
Orignal From: What do i do about my knee pain from running?
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