
What happens with a knee scope surgery?

What happens with a knee scope surgery?I broke my knee in feb. 2010 and Didnt find out until November 2010. I have been in physical therapy since then and when I went Monday she told me she wants me to see a ortho surgen Monday and I'm kinda scared about what's goina happen if then need to do this......o and I all ready had an MRI and they foun nothing!

- Pangolin
What happens? They stick a scope into the joint, run water into the joint as well, and through a second hole, they can shave down ugly cartilage, pull out torn pieces, and that sort of thing.

You will be asleep or have a spinal, so you feel nothing.

The ortho guy may or may not suggest it. MRIs have limitations, so there may be stuff in there that the MRI can't detect.

- mistify
I wouldn't say anything is definitive that you need a scope...but if you did, it would depend on the type of procedure you had. Having a "scope" could mean anything from taking a look around, to "cleaning up" the mensicus or an arthroscopic ligament repair. Arhtroscopy is just the method by which they do it....

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