
What other neurologic disorders are there that can mimick the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis?

What other neurologic disorders are there that can mimick the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis?My mom has had back surgery, two knee replacements, foot surgery. She did not follow up on rehab at all after her 2nd knee, does not exercise. She has left-sided inflamation head to toe, including the optic nerve. Urinary and bowel incontinence. This has been going on for years. Her eye Dr. said there was bleeding in the eye that has lost vision. I see similaritites with MS but the loss of vision was that last symptom and what I have researched says it's typically the first. She also has a bulging disc on L5. Is it possible that long term nerve damage and spinal cord compression can cause the same symptoms as MS?

- KB
They don't know what causes MS. Lupus, which is similar, can also cause similar symptoms. MS and Lupus have not been tracked to any spinal injuries.

Leg swelling and sight and urinary tract problems can be signs of the onset of diabetes. She could also have pinched nerves that would cause numbness or inflammation. I think she SHOULD see a doctor and she SHOULD stat exercising and finish her rehab.

Her lack of rehab and exercise could be causing the poor recovery from all of her surgeries and might not at all be MS related. I think she will feel a lot better if she eats well and starts to exercise!!

- tina l

- soon2bRN
Sounds like could be Spinal cerebellar ataxia worth checking out!!!

- pamela_m24
Lupus is the great pretender but also Fibromyalgia mimicks lots of other diseases too.

- Mr. Anonymous
This sounds like a hodge-podge of symptoms, rather than a complete condition. It's entirely possible that spinal cord compression and long-term nerve damage could result in similar symptoms as MS, especially incontinence. Does she have peripheral neuropathy? Numbness and tingling in her extremities? How old is your mom? MS typically strikes people in the prime of life. Generally speaking, people older than 50 are thought to be out of risk for MS. If your mom is over 50 and she had MS, it would've been very, very advanced by now, and I imagine she would've been showing symptoms in her 30s and 40s.

I agree with the person who said that this sounds more like diabetes. Especially if your mother is either overweight, 60+ or both.

Good luck.

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