
What should you do if you have knee joint pain after running?

What should you do if you have knee joint pain after running?

- AtiaoftheJulii
Use icy hot and warm up a bit longer before jogging

- Carrie Ann
This happens to me almost always after I run a half-marathon. It stays for 2-3 days and then goes away. If it's just related to a race, try Ben-gay. If it's chronic, then you may have tendonitis. If it's the latter case, try taking a week off. Every day, take some ibuprofen and ice your knee.

- phoster
running is hard on knees and ankles. in most cases it is caused by inflamation. in general you have two options, you can stop running, rest for a time to allow it to clear and try starting again. more than likely the pain will return. if you insist on running like i am trying to do, you will have to cope with the pain.

things that will help you manage this are a good stretching regime. stretching helps keep things loose and moving. ice your joints often to help keep inflamation down, and take asprin or your perfered antiinflamitory.

if you are just beginning, remember the human body is a fantastic machine. if you can get through the soreness your body will become stronger and addapt, as long as it isnt a physical injury that will worsen. tendonitis can be managed, but it is going to be sore, and you are going to have to manage it or chose a lower impact activity.

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