
Knee Disorders: What are some good ways to relieve knee pain?

What are some good ways to relieve knee pain?I'm going to the amusement park with my friend tomorrow and lately my knees have been killing me. I noticed that heat helps so I'll definitely get some bengay or something.
Anything else I should buy/do before I go tomorrow?

- Emily*
maybe give it a massage and wear a knee bandage?

- Ali
advil liquid gels every 4-6 hours
i have a bad knee from 10 years dance
and thats what i use, also if its muscule pain
try heat. also icy hott can work well for on the spot relief

- 360 Foot Care
Knee pain can be attributed to many different things. Teenagers can have knee pain due to growth spurts. Pain can come from starting new activities like a job or sports etc. If you have not had any event that would have caused the pain you might want to do something to take stress off of the knee. Sometimes arch supports will provide joint alignment and this will allow the knee to operate more efficiently. Sometimes wearing good shock absorbing shoes can work. Other than taking some sort of pain medication there may not be much else that you can do before tomorrow. Be careful about taking medication though. There are always consequences if too much is taken or if it is taken too long a period.

P.S. On a long term basis there is a great shoe, Spira, that has springs in them. They are the best absorbing shoe around. Can be found at www.360footcare.com

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