
how do i rebuild my knee ligaments and muscles?

how do i rebuild my knee ligaments and muscles?hello im 25 and do to a motorcycle accident, earlier this week i got a tkr on my left knee. recovery has been going well and i have this cool machine that i put my leg into to regain motion. but i am noticing that when take me demobilizing brace off my knee feels floppy and flimsy. what can ido to regain some strength and stability in my knee muscle and ligaments? my leg has been very week ever since the accident in oct. 06.

- mickey
Sorry to hear about your accident. Since this has been going on since Oct. 06, I suggest talking with your doctor. He can best advise you.

- Sakira
Some of it, sadly, will never heal. It is best to talk to your doctor about exercises that will not strain the tissue any more.

- !RaNdOm!
go 2 the physio nd get exercises 2 do,u hav 2 do it after surgery nd keep doin dem 2 build up ur muscles..nd believe me on dis,iv been 4 a few operations nd i still hav 2 do physio exercises 4 my cruciate ligaments coz i hav 2 get a reconstruction dne soon enough nd i need 2 build up me knee 2 help keep it steady

- John R
If you tore the ligaments in the knee it will more than likely take surgery to repair them. you can do something with the muscle but the ligaments are something else. very common injury in football and skiing. my son has had ligament damage to the ACL in his left knee for about 5 years. Not bad enough for surgery but it bothers him all the time and is no better than it was the day he tore it

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Hi,I did the following:

Knee Ligaments

DR Mike reviews the major ligaments of the knee.
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