
Can symptoms of meniscus tear be confused with knee arthritis, or vice versa?

Can symptoms of meniscus tear be confused with knee arthritis, or vice versa?I've been to two ortho surgeons, and I've had conflicting pieces of info...

Doc A claims I have a meniscus tear, while Doc B claims it is arthritis behind the patella. Both docs have ordered and gotten MRI's.

Can symptoms of meniscus tear be confused with knee arthritis, or vice versa ?

In case someone is wondering, the symptoms is basically pain: High intensity movement triggered. It can linger for 1-2 hours but intensity decreases overtime. I can't really say I have episodes of "locking".

Thx!. I am extremely confused...

I got two MRI's ~4months apart.
My main interest, is defining proper action. I don't need to believe one or the other. I want to be informed as to proper treatment options.

- Fran
Most of the time a meniscal tear shows up on a MRI. I cannot believe that you have had two MRI's and your insurance agreed to pay for both. I would try to talk to the radiologist and get his opinion.

- quiltcat
My husband tore his meniscus and wrote it off as arthritis for a long time. They pretty much feel the same because they're both friction-on-bone joint pain. Unless you want to have surgery, the treatment is pretty much the same too, (anti-inflamatory/pain killers like Ibuprofen and support when active) so it probably doesn't matter much which one you believe.

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