
Knee Disorders: Is it bad to get sore knees after running?

Is it bad to get sore knees after running?Is it bad to get sore knees after running?
I ran 3.5 miles yesterday and my knees are sore that it hurts to walk up or down stairs. Does anyone know why and would this problem call for knee surgery in the future?

I'm in good shape, but my knees just took a toll.

- confused
make sure you have a good pair of running shoes. NIke shocks are really good and will cost about 100-125

- Male trauma nurse
It sounds like they can be your shoes.are they new? if not i would stop running until you see a doctor.

- deathnight126
The shoes do matter but the knees are just something that your body does to tell you that your legs are tired!!!

- Neerdowellian
Yes, it is bad to get knees that sore. You probably should try exercises with less impact on your knees. Speed walking, bicycling, or swimming would be much better for you.

- yvette
i think you need to go and check for a doctor, sometimes knees or other section of your body hurts is because of the weather changes and the tireness... and or you got hurt on that spot specifically... then if you over do exercise, it might hurt. you need to see a doctor, and drink maybe pain remover, and or go to a specialist to masage your knee it works, because my spin got hurt before and it really do works after a good masage...good luck

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