
Knee Pain Management?

Knee Pain Management?My left knee is hurting horribly right now. In April 2006, during the 4x100 relay for the state Track and Field semifinals, I twisted my knee but kept going on it (we won our heat but lost overall). I saw my doctor and he said it was fine. Then in April of this year, I was on vacation in Greece and I tripped while climbing the Acropolis--it had rained heavily the night before and had sprinkled that morning, so the marble steps were very slippery. I landed so I could catch my camera and not smash it on the ground (that would suck!), but in the process I landed the bad knee on the step. A piece of bone chipped off and it hurt like hell, but I was a minor in a foreign country with no money for medical treatment. After a few days it felt fine. In July I was in Ocean City, MD for a week, and twisted the same knee playing golf (always the left) and it hurt like crazy for a week afterwards (thankfully I did it on the last day). I saw the doctor after each time, and each time he has said it was okay, however the pain is worse and worse each time.

Then today I had the worst pain I've ever felt, worse than crushing 3 of my fingers in a door when I was 9 and nearly had to have 2 of them amputated. I was hanging cabinets with my cousin in my grandmother's kitchen, and when I stepped off the ladder I twisted the knee again and the bone chip (yep, it's still there) got into it. I could not move my knee for awhile without being in excruciating pain, and now it still hurts like hell and I can't move it all the way, only about half as much as I should be able to. What can I do to keep this from happening again and again, and to keep the pain down? This pain hurts like crazy and lasts longer and longer each time. At this rate I'm going to need a replacement by the time I'm 25!

- Jeffrey
You need to have X-Rays. After they check those, you will need an MRI. I'm going through the same thing. It first happened to me in 2007...now it has happened several more times and keeps getting worse. If I'm not careful, it locks and I can't straighten it out. The worst was a few weeks ago and it wouldn't straighten for days. I had to be on crutches and could not even limp on it. Get your doctor to check it out. You may need surgery. I'm getting an MRI this week to find out about mine. The only thing you can do is be careful until you get the tests done. I wear a slide on adjustable knee brace I got from CVS. It helps when I'm working out.

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