
What are some causes of inside knee pain, at night, gets better if I walk around, hurts again, repeat walking?

knee pain pills
by WoofBC

What are some causes of inside knee pain, at night, gets better if I walk around, hurts again, repeat walking?50 years old, ACL replaced, orthoarthristis in knee, takes pain pills. At night, after about 4 hous sleeping, I awake to severe pain on inside of knee. I have to get up and walk around for about two or three minutes. Go back to bed and after about a couple of hours, I have to repeat. Any Ideas?

- Lulu H
uhhhh, try going to the doctor?

- Satisfaction
yea doc

- Harriet E
Its probably just a torn muscle that happend when you got up to quickly or twisted it somehow. Sometimes they can last for a while all you have to do is wait for it to heal.. it sucks.

- Tyler P
my friend had that i think
he said something about his bone was growing to fast or something
its sometyhing you should be seing your doctor about
not yahoo.answering it

- Itchy leg hairs
circulation problems? ginkgo biloba

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