
Saving My Knees: How I Proved My Doctors Wrong and Beat Chronic Knee Pain

Saving My Knees: How I Proved My Doctors Wrong and Beat Chronic Knee Pain

"Saving My Knees" tells an inspirational story of beating chronic knee pain. Richard Bedard was a journalist in his mid-40s, living abroad, when he was diagnosed with patellofemoral pain syndrome, or chondromalacia patella. His burning joints made his life so miserable that he fantasized about hacking off his kneecaps. Four doctors failed to help; one said he would never get better. His physical therapist finally gave up too.

Unable to sit normally, he quit his job. Unemployed and desperate, he launched a year-long, round-the-clock experiment to save his knees. He read from scores of clinical studies, medical textbooks, health newsletters. What he discovered left him stunned. There was a familiar story about what patellofemoral p

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Knee Disorders Treatment, Causes, Exercises, Prevention Tips, Symptoms ...
Saving My Knees: How I Proved My Doctors Wrong and Beat Chronic Knee Pain

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Hi,I did the following:
How can you get rid of chronic knee pain?I've this chronic pain for quite some time now, I've had to use braces, and ice packs. I'm even taking a joint formula and it seems to be helping, but I'll be walking and all the sudden my knee(either one) will start hurting like I pulled a muscle or something. I can't get anything off of medical sites and it is kind of getting annoying.

- wolfelady692003
see a doctor

- go penguins
i have the same problem. havent found anything yet that works, other than pain meds that knock me out. good luck

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Knee Disorders Treatment, Causes, Exercises, Prevention Tips, Symptoms ...

Orignal From: Saving My Knees: How I Proved My Doctors Wrong and Beat Chronic Knee Pain

1 comment:

  1. Arthritis is the main common reason which leads to the need of knee surgery. The patient must know the risks and benefits of Total knee replacement surgery.
