
Undetectable/nearly undetectable injuries...(knee pain)?

Undetectable/nearly undetectable injuries...(knee pain)?Well I hurt my knee about a year ago, the doctor said I had a himotoma in it, now my knee is completely numb on the inside where I hurt it. The other day I was playing soccer and I fell on it and now it hurts really bad and it feels tight and stiff, but there isnt really and bruising. Today I went in for an MRI and they said everything looked alright, so either it is bone, or its not detectable?? I barely fell on it so I highly doub its a bone injury. Are there injuries out there that are very hard to prove you have cuz my doctor acted like it was just a little deep bruise.

Right now my knee is in pain, its stiff, but is still has a lost of touch to it, still feels numb even tthough it hurts. What happened?

- cyberthunder9000
If your knee is stiff and numb then there is a problem. Go to a physiotherapist to get it checked. S/He would give you some exercises which would restore it back to normal.

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