
What causes knee pain in young, healthy people?

What causes knee pain in young, healthy people?A couple months ago my left knee started hurting really bad, not only when i walked but even just laying in bed. I went to the doctor and they said i had condromalacia platella and i went to physio. The pain went away at first but then it would come back, go away, come back then go away agian. I'm usually quite active and the pain gets so bad sometimes that i can't even walk. I'm concerened that there might be something else wrong any help?

- Sexyyy_Banana
I had a sufe, where the space between your growing plate slips and you need a pin to fix it.
I had it for 6 months which is early.
I couldn't even weight bare or walk sometimes it was so bad..
Check it out, it might not be..
But i had pains in my knees, my hip clicked slightly too sometimes, i limped without realising.

- Quicksand
you need to have some supplement to ease the pain and make the knee Flexible like glucosamine or omega 3,6 and 9 this drugs make the lubrication of the joint more flexible and you will get better soon.in the mean time just massage it with hot and cold or iced water will ease the pain . best of luck

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