
Knee Disorders: Female- I woke up with ACHING knees!!!?

Female- I woke up with ACHING knees!!!?I'm almost 24. Not overweight, but a little out of shape. I don't do much physical activity during the day, definitely nothing that would cause strain. This morning I woke up with my knees hurting soooo badly that I couldn't even bend them. Both of them, the same amount of pain. It's on the upper part of my knee, almost like it's the muscle ABOVE the joint.
Here are some things that have been different lately:
1. Wednesday I came down with the stomach bug for a day.
2. I started my period on Thursday, 2 weeks early. It was light, but I usually am.
3. Last night I drank an exceptionally large amount of grape juice. It was just so delicious.

Anyone know why my knees would be hurting so bad this morning that I can't hardly walk??

If you have any other questions, I will answer them in the details section. Thanks!

- Fincgrad
I am not exactly sure, but it sounds like possible loss of nutrients (between the stomach bug and the period). I typically have knee pains when I'm on my period too. Try taking an iron supplement, it tends to help a bit.

What do you think? Answer below! Knee Disorders Treatment, Causes, Exercises, Prevention Tips, Symptoms ...
Hi,I did the following:

Joint Pains -- A Chinese Herbal Prescription (12)

JOINT PAINS - - A Chinese herbal prescription. Everybody has suffered from joint pains one time or another except those at very young age. Causes of joint pains: • Age will definitely worsen your joint pains. • Overexertion in work, sports or other activities. • Overexposure to cold, wind and damp such as insufficient clothing to protect the body against the elements. • Not enough rest due to work, travel, and other activities. • Sudden change in weather especially humidity. • Uric acid from food, known as Gout in Western medicine. • A previous joint injury may result in periodic pains after recovery. • Flu or cold can cause temporary aches and pains, which will disappear when the flu passes. Nature of joint pains: • Long-term condition subject to occasional flare-ups triggered by the causes described above. • Aging causes more pains, possibly deformation of joints too. • Joint pains accompanied by swelling are more serious. • Very difficult to cure joint pains completely. Expect only improvements in the following areas: intensity of pains, duration, degree of swelling if any, and the frequency of flare-ups. • A certain degree of tiredness always accompanies the pains. • Painkillers or numbing with ice can only reduce the pains but cannot get to the roots of the problem. External treatment: • Gentle and slow exercise such as Tai Chi, Yoga, or swimming. • Heat treatment with pad or lamp. • Massage by people or machine. • Acupuncture. * Various oitments with different ...
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Orignal From: Knee Disorders: Female- I woke up with ACHING knees!!!?

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