
Knee Disorders: HURT KNEE ! ????????????

HURT KNEE ! ????????????Hi everyone !
I was accidently tripped in the hallway today, and fell on the tile floor.
I landed on my knees and elbows, almost completley flat on my stomach.
My right knee is KILLING me, but there is barely any bruising yet. (keep in mind this happened about an hour ago.) my other knee doesn't hurt at all.
Whenever I move my right knee, pain shoots up my leg. it's pretty sore even when it's sitting still. My ankle on that same foot is actually also feeling kind of sore, even though I didn't hurt my ankle.
What could hae happened ?

- CrazyHorseLady
I am willing to bet that you bruised it really good. It might take a while for the bruise to show up. Best thing to do is get off your feet and ice the knee for about 20 minutes. Just rest it for a few days, you might even want to wrap it with an ace bandage. If it is not feeling better after a few days or it swells up really bad, then go to the doctors or the ER.

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