
What would be the best way for me to loose weight if I have a problem with pains in my knees and shins?

pains in knees
by ario_

What would be the best way for me to loose weight if I have a problem with pains in my knees and shins?I have a treadmill and I can't be on it for more than 10 minutes before I start to hurt in my knees and shins. Starting this new year I really want to put an exercise routine into motion, but dont know where to start. What would be good ways for me to exercise (with the intent of losing 30 lbs.) ? I am 5'6 and weight about 160 right now.

- Chest Rockwell
low impact like cycle or elliptical.

- myblog
i was having pains in my shins when i first started the gym but i went to the docs and i has a stress fracture which is from the repetition of the walking and running on a treadmill so i would head to the docs to see if this is the case first then they coiuld give you an alternative exercise to do while your legs heal

- kakeydec
water aerobics, since it is low impact.

- Miss_Lithium
Honestly? I'm an Australian and the best advice I have been given is drinking PLENTY of water (2 - 2.5 Liters daily), and avoiding anything else, and having a diet of mostly fresh fruits, vegetables, fish and lean meat... And exercise about half an hour daily. The exercise doesn't need to be erratic either, going for a walk, bike riding is fantastic, or going for a paced jog. Just make sure you get your heart pumping (cardio)! Mix these three things up during the week, combined with the healthy diet- and you will notice results within a month.

Additionally, if you are having knee problems, I recommend Pilates, You can download Pilates Videos FREE online or watch then on YouTube. Possibly do that in your living room 3 times a week for half an hour (or every other day you aren't focusing on your cadio).

All The Best! =]

- Josh-R
There's so much crappy weight loss information out there so you need to be really careful who you take advice from.

Make sure you don't fall for all the crazy fads out there - just stick to a good solid exercise and nutrition plan.

Nutrition will actually be around 80% of your results, but including some weight training and cardio will help you to shed fat even faster.


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