
Knee Disorders: knee hurts?

knee hurts?my knee has been hurting on and off for a while now, hurts when i'm kneeling, running, jump etc. when i first went to the doctor, he gave me painkillers, when they didn't help, i got an xray but nothing was broken. then the third time he said that there was excess fluids between the joints (something along the lines) and that was what was causing the discomfort. but it's still hurting and at the slightest impact...
they gave me ibuprofen

- BoSS
Contact your doctor and set up an appointment, and ask for stronger med's.

What did they give you? Darvocet?Percocet?Vicodin?

Darvocet will do NOTHING...and Vicodin's are decent if you have mild pain..
But you may need Oxycotton.

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