
What can i do to cure this pain?

What can i do to cure this pain?i have been having the worse knee pain.
what can i do for it to go away?

- lady93534
Use a hot pad or something like that and take an aspirin it works better than Tylenol...♥

- jvan71
Did you injure your knee or did the pain start on its own? Do you exercise and could you have pulled a muscle or tendon?

What kind of pain is it? Sharp, throbbing, dull, shooting, radiating?

If your knee is swollen, alternate ice and heat to bring down the swelling and help relieve the pain. Take ibuprofin (or aleve or whatever type of anti-inflammatory med you're able) and prop your knee up on some pillows to keep it elevated. Actually, do these things even if you don't notice any swelling!

If this is a sporting or exercise injury, see a doctor if you don't get any relief after a day or two or if it gets worse. You could have a problem with the tendon or ligament that requires medical attention.

Most of the time, minor knee injuries don't require a doctor's visit, but don't hesitate to see a doctor if it gets worse or the above suggestions don't work.

- bebee *

To maximize the benefits of apple cider vinegar, a general dosage of one teaspoon is usually recommended stirred into a 6 or 8 oz. glass of water. Most people cannot drink even this level of dilution of apple cider vinegar and usually add a tablespoon of honey, preferably organic. This dosage can be repeated at each meal, but most find this difficult. Many people find it much more palatable to pour some over their favorite salad.
Vinegar helps:

* Clear your sinusitis Stop hair loss
* Remove toxins from your body Stop a leaky nose
* Prevent mild food poisoning Relieve your joint pains
* Rid your constipation Combat fungal and bacterial infections
* Prevent indigestion Lower your cholesterol
* Lower your blood pressure Prevent obesity, lose weight
* Lower incidents of weak bones Relieve arthritis

I am drinking it regularly, and all my joint pain gone......
you will be very surprise of how effective it works wonder....

- 360 Foot Care
Knee pain can result from many different things. Sudden injury, sports related or from the beginning of any new strenuous activity. In many cases, knee pain can come from joint misalignment. People are not aware that bad alignment can come from your feet not being properly supported. For example, if your feet flatten excessively inwardly (pronation) you can have knee pain or if they roll outwardly excessively (supination) you can have the same affect. I always look first to determine what might be the culprit. If it is not injury related then it's likely joint misalignment. Here you might want to take as much stress off of the knee as possible (and still be able to walk and engage in activities) There is a shoe called Spira that has a built-in spring system. It off-loads stress better than any shoe that I'm aware of. You might also want to consider a good firm arch support. Not Dr. Sholls stuff which are basically rubber or gels. In order to help to align joints you will need something much firmer than gels or rubber. A good firm arch support will push your joints (knees, hip, back ankles, etc.) into better alignment. People often think that their shoes have arch supports. Shoes have inserts (rubber cushions) that flatten over time. These inserts are not firm enough to push you into joint alignment. Custom made orthotics ( usually beginning at $ 250 and up) can do this but you are limited to the shoes that you can wear with them. A firm arch support will function like an orthotic but only at a fraction of the cost. They also will fit into any shoe including flats, sandals and even high heels. In my bias opinion a combination of the Spira shoe for shock absorbtion and a firm arch support, for joint alignment is a great combination.
You can find them at www.360footcare.com

Good luck

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Orignal From: What can i do to cure this pain?

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