
Knee Disorders: What can cause a constant pain in the right knee?

What can cause a constant pain in the right knee?I have this constant pain in my right knee. Sometimes it gets really painful. Sometimes the pain wakes me up. Sometimes when I straighten my leg, there will be knock sound at my knee. It really bothers me. I went to see the doctor. They did MRI, X-Ray, and blood test. Yet, according to him, all the test are normal. But now, my pain getting worse. So, does anyone has any clue on why I am feeling this constant pain? Please..really need some advice. But don't get me wrong. I can still walk and play.

- Osito Braulio
there might be many things that may be happening to your knee.

it might be:
1) arthritis
2) bone cartilage
3) ligament injuries
4) Patellar Tendonitis
5) Dislocating Kneecap
6) Chondromalacia Patella
7) Baker's Cyst
8) Bursitis
9) Plica Syndrome
10) Osgood-Schlatter Disease
11) Gout
12) Osteochondritis Dissecans

- Bonnie W
it's funny but muscles or ligaments can tighten and make that snapping sound you are talking about, sounds like muscles spasms. are you overusing your knee? if mri showed nothing it is probably something that comes and goes, that rest makes better. when you are being real active, why don't you use a knee brace/like ace bandage or something similar to help support it and protect from straining? you could also use a muscle rub like bengay or similar before sleeping and it will probably help. sometimes, propping pillows under your knees will help as well. good wishes.

- Van Bo
I see it in the above, 6) Chondromalacia Patella.

Look in to that and focus on specific treatment for it. See a Physiotherapist.

- lisa
does it come on when there is cold wet damp weather on the way,if so then it is arthritic
does anybody in your family have any of those problems. it can be passed on.
hope it isn't for your sake.
does your knee make a grating sound when going up/down stairs or when you bend it.
if so then it is arthritic. sorry about that,
just take pain killers for it. and buy a knee support that will help keep it warm and give it support.

good luck.

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