
what kind of pain pills will they give me after my full knee surgery?

what kind of pain pills will they give me after my full knee surgery?im not the kind of person who really likes to use pain pills but i know i will need to after i have my full knee replacement but i was wonder what kind of pills they gave you after you had your surgery so i could read up on it and know what to expect.
names not descriptions please

- kaadish
Probably Hydrocodone.

- Kairuka
I've never had major surgery, but I spent more than a little time working in a hospital. You can always discuss with your doctor what medications he/she usually gives after this type of surgery. I did this after each of my oral surgeries (I did not want tylenol with codeine because it would make me loopy, so they gave me prescription strength advil instead). You can discuss the side effects with him/her so you can use the least powerful medication you can without being in unbearable pain. You and your doctor can decide together what medication is best for you.

- Kurt T
It Depends on the level of your pain...Acute pain such as pain after a surgery is best treated with Norco or something to that affect..just be careful dont ever take more than is perscribed

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