
How to stop knee & ankle pain when running?

How to stop knee & ankle pain when running?I am a new runner. My right knee and ankle have been really bothering me. Today I had to stop running because the pain got too bad. Is this normal? What can I do to prevent it?l

- lattaskattaj2
im no expert, but using Icy Hot really helped my ankles, im not sure about the knees though, you could try Icy Hot on the knees too, sorry if this didn't help.

- Pro K
You either started running because your a first time runner and you ran on a hard surface like concrete or you ran to long. i would say dont run on concrete for a couple weeks or try to do it less frequently or this will cause problms later on, for your knee. This type of problem is not normal, but it is common in many first time runners. Run a soft surface like grass or track at your school if any. As to treat it. Try icing it for about 15 minutes before and after running or activity. Good Luck with it!

- Rachael M
When you get rich, can I have some? lol

Make sure you have good shoes. That can really make a difference. The cushioning and support of the proper shoes can make all the difference. Also make sure you are starting off running slow. Your knees and ankles are not used to all the pounding of running! Don't get discouraged. Once your body gets stronger you'll be running fluidly and without pain. Take is easy and run to have fun.

Try running on the street or on soft dirt, etc. Stay off of the sidewalk. This is the hardest pavement you can run on and it's hard on your body. I personally love to run on soft dirt or trails because it's easier on the knees and ankles.

- utchick128
i take glucosamine and chondroitin supplements daily to help with joint pain, it helps. You have to be diligent with it and when first taking it, it will take about two weeks before you start to notice your body responding to it. But now if i miss a single day i can tell! Also, lifting weights as well as running helps to strengthen the muscles that support those joints. Just light weights with high reps, not enough to bulk up or anything, just keep muscle tone.

- tomma
Pain in your knee is never normal.

Take it easy for a few days. Make sure you're wearing the right kind of running shoes - take a test at a running store. Try running slowly and gently, make sure the impact on your legs is minimal. Think of some supplementary exercises: cycling, swimming, Yoga.

Use pain killers and gels in moderation: they can hide the problem, but never heal it.

If you the pain persists, go and see the doctor.

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