
Knee Disorders: How to treat knee pain?

How to treat knee pain?I do a lot of ballet. Lately i have been getting a ton of joint pain in my knees, so i stopped doing ballet and iced my knees every night, but even if i sit in a chair with my feet on the floor my knees kill. i don't think its muscle, its like the left and ride sides of both knees. and its like a joint pain. and there is a little bit of swelling on my right knee. i have been icing it every night for at least 2 weeks. what should i do?

- Mary L
Knee pain is very common, often misdiagnosed, and improperly treated. In this chapter, I will discuss the two most common causes of knee pain - knee sprain/strain and osteoarthritis.

- ◘Goat Gal◘
Continue to ice it and maybe try some exercises. I would make an appointment with a doctor if it does not improve.

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