
Physics problem with a knee diagram... Help me start this pleeeease.?

knee diagram
by J0nB0n

Physics problem with a knee diagram... Help me start this pleeeease.?The figure shows the quadriceps and the patella tendons attached to the patella (the kneecap). If the tension T in each tendon is 1.00 kN, what is the magnitude and direction of the contact force exerted on the patella by the femur?


- Pearlsawme
T cos 37 + T cos 80 = 0.7986 + 0.1736
= 0.9722 T
T sin 37 - T sin 37 = 0.6018 - 0.9848
= -0.383T acting down
Resultant R =
T √ [0.9722 ^2 + 0.383^2 ]
1.0449 T.
= 1.0449 kN.

tan θ = 0.338 / 0.9722
θ = 19.17 °

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Orignal From: Physics problem with a knee diagram... Help me start this pleeeease.?

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