
Knee Disorders: Can Accessory Navicular cause knee pain/problems?

Can Accessory Navicular cause knee pain/problems?I was diagnosed with accessory navicular when I was 12 years old. At that time I had custom made orthotics which helped that situation. But because of the accesory navicular the arches of my feet "collapse" inward.

But for as long as I can remember I have always had knee problems. My knees always crack when I kneel down. Also when I ride horses, my knee stays relatively in one position for a period of time and once I straighten my leg back out it is quite painful to straighten (same thing happens if I sit cross legged for a period of time). There are times too that if I bend my knee I can hear a "rubbing" sort of noise from my joint. Most of the pain I am feeling is on the inside of my knee joint. Could this be related to the collapsing of my arches due to the accessory navicular?

- Bobsmith
The human skeleton is designed so that the best functions are achieved when everything is in line and where it is supposed to be. I am very comfortable in my opinion that yes it is affecting your knees, probably your neck and back as well as your shoulders. Look at it like this, try building a block tower on a bed of marbles. It may work, but it isn't going to be as sturdy as one built of a solid foundation. Your feet are the foundation for every balance and joint in your body. There are a number of surgical procedures to correct flat foot. The most common and successful procedure is the MBA, but you would need to speak with your orthopedic first.

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