
Knee Disorders: Whats the best way to rehab a sprained knee?

Whats the best way to rehab a sprained knee?What are the best exercises for my knee?

Do you have access to a swimming pool? If so try walking laps in the pool.

Get better soon!

- Bradley
A half ounce of Orange Kush

Or a few nice bong rips whenever you feel the pain

If you don't smoke, my brother got this thing from his doctor thats like a stretch material and it fixed him up just by wearing it like 2 hours daily

- dj lucky
dude take hot water put some mustard oil n salt in it then take cotton n dip in the water than put that water on ur knee do this for two dayz before sleepin n see the effect

- Midnight Poacher
Go to your Doctor. They can prescribe medication for the pain, and also recommend you for physical therapy. A trained PT can have you do a great rehab plan and back to normal quickly. This is the best way, assuming you have medical insurance. Now, if you don't have medical insurance then I must say you are one dumb SOB.

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